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Frequent Urination: Causes and Treatment Options

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Why do I pee so much... in the morning, in the middle of the night, in the middle of dinner, in the middle of a movie, when I’m driving or working out? It’s a very common question and concern. Sometimes it can feel like you spend half your day running to the bathroom. So, what is considered frequent urination, what causes the constant urge to pee, and how do you treat it? Let's get those questions answered!

What is Frequent Urination?

A normal bladder capacity ranges between 400 to 600 mL. A person with a healthy bladder urinates between six to eight times a day. If you find yourself urinating more than this, you may be scratching your head wondering why. Let's walk through some potential reasons you need to urinate often.

What Causes Frequent Urination?

There are lots of potential reasons why you are urinating so often. If you find that you are going to the restroom more than you used to, here are some likely causes:

1. You are drinking more liquids than usual

Drinking more fluids produces more urine, which makes your bladder fill up, thus sending you to the bathroom more often. You may or may not realize that you are drinking more liquids. Perhaps it’s particularly hot outside, or perhaps you started a new exercise regimen. If this is the cause of your frequent urination, there is not much need for concern.

2. You are drinking too much caffeine, which is a diuretic

Beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics, which means they make your body rid itself of excess water. If you're worried about excessive urination, then you may want to limit your diuretics.

3. You are pregnant

Hormones in early pregnancy can increase the urge to urinate. Later in pregnancy, the pressure of the growing fetus presses on the bladder, increasing the need to urinate. Check out this article for more information on pregnancy and urinary incontinence.

4. You are taking certain medications

Certain medications increase the production of urine, making you have to pee a lot more than normal. This effect typically goes away when you stop taking the medication. Be sure to stay hydrated in the meantime.

5. Your frequent urination may be a sign of a more serious condition like:

Bladder infection or bladder inflammation
Bladder infections irritate and inflame the muscles and tissues surrounding the bladder, causing them to spasm involuntarily. This will go away as soon as the bladder infection is resolved. See your doctor for a diagnosis and antibiotics in order to clear up the infection. Leaving a bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI) untreated can cause more serious health conditions.

Frequent urination can be one of the first signs of high blood sugar and diabetes. This is because excess sugar causes more fluids to pass through the kidneys. Sugar buildup in your tissues can lead to bladder function issues, which can cause frequent urination.

Interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis is a condition associated with chronic pelvic pain, pain when the bladder fills and empties, and frequent urination even when the bladder isn’t full. It can be managed with medication, so consult your doctor on the best treatment plan.

Overactive bladder
An overactive bladder (OAB), also known as urinary incontinence, can result in sudden, frequent urges to urinate and may come on strongly, even when there is no urine in the bladder. You may or may not be able to make it to the restroom in time. An overactive bladder is caused by muscle or nerve damage in the bladder tissue as a result of previous pelvic surgery or neurological disease.

OAB is best managed on a day-to-day basis by adopting a bladder-friendly diet. This means avoiding foods that aggravate the urinary system, such as alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages and citrus.

Treatment Options for Frequent Urination

Here are some things you can do to alleviate the causes of frequent urination:

Exercising your pelvic floor will help strengthen the muscles that control your body’s ability to hold in urine. By training these muscles, you may be able to retrain your bladder and extend the time between bathroom visits.

Drink on a schedule.

By watching how much you drink and at what time of day, you can gain control over how often you have to urinate. For instance, drinking 6 to 8 oz of water at one time versus sipping throughout the day can decrease urinary frequency. You may also find it helpful to stop drinking liquids a few hours before you go to bed to reduce nighttime bathroom visits.

Eat a bladder-healthy diet.

Studies have shown that certain foods – like caffeine, alcohol and citrus – irritate the bladder and increase urinary frequency and urgency, not something you want if you already have a sensitive bladder.

Retrain your bladder.

Bladder training can be an important component of your treatment plan. Start visiting the ladies’ room at regular intervals, whether or not you have to go. Over time, try increasing the amount of time between your visits so that you train your bladder to hold it longer and stop being so reactive. Be sure to up the amount by small increments each time in order to set yourself up for success.


Talk to your doctor about whether taking a prescription drug to treat frequent urination is right for you.

Wear protection.

Always Discreet are thin, feminine and comfortable urinary pads designed specifically to remedy frequent urination causes in women. No one will know you are wearing them, and they are super absorbent – so you can live your life without giving a second thought to the little leaks that happen throughout the day. Toss some in your purse and you’re good to go!

Wearing liners, pads or underwear by Always Discreet can go a long way in giving you the confidence to go about your life without making an unwanted trade-off between where you go, what you do, and how close you’ll be to a bathroom.